Friday, October 31, 2003

We all went out for the normal Trick 0r Treat this evening. The kids were looking forward to this for weeks. I think I heard more "Countdown to Halloween" than I did for Christmas last year. We stopped at my Aunts as we usually do. She was not there so we proceeded to the streets up on the top of the hill. It was about 1730 when we started so we started just at dusk.

While up on top, the kids only hit about 50 houses but came back with some much candy and things they were actually complaining about the weight of their bags. The people up there do not have inexpensive things either. Hershey bars, Milky Ways, M&Ms, and Twix bars. And I do not mean those tiny ones that take three for a whole bite. I saw in the bags, the big dollar each 3 Musketter bars and regular sized Hershey Chocolate bars. I am concerned they will go into some type of diabetic coma if they eat much of that. (Or I might if someone leaves alone in front of that pile)

The kids wanted to show "Miss Pam" their costumes so we drove by. She was not there but the kids will make arrangements later so she can see them. They really wanted her to see them. The good part is that they will have these for quite a while.

The highlight of the evening is that we go over to the Hunters home next door. They are the absolute best people. Melissa and Ian make these great big baskets which must take days to make up. I would guess that they would be about $50 in a store with all they do. I only hope that the can see how much We (I) appreciate this. It is like family having them next door.

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