Saturday, October 25, 2003

Microsoft Office Launch Event in Columbus Ohio.

a picture of the beautiful Pam Sullivan, taking notes at the Microsoft Office Launch Event in Colombus Ohio.  She is busy taking lots of notes.I attended the Microsoft Office Launch Event in Columbus on Friday. It was very nice and I learned a lot from it. I took Pam with me since we are going to hopefully be working together in the near future. I wanted to see if she could work with me and what better way than spending a whole day together in a geek-fest a hundred miles from home?!?

The seminar as a whole was complete information overload after about 90 minutes into the first breakout. What happened was you could choose from one of 4 tracks as to what specific perspective you wanted to see in reference to what you wanted to learn about Microsoft office.This is the inside of the Hyatt Regency ballroom where the Microsoft Office Launch Event took place.  It was a very large room.One was tech stuff, one was the business side, another was deployment, etc.... And with each track, there were three classes or sessions. I stayed for the tech classes and learned about the front end and various things. The second picture is just of the ballroom at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus. Another picture of the beautiful Pam Sullivan.  Pam took notes through the whole nine hours The room capacity was 964 and I have no doubt that there were 964 people there. It was packed.

Now, why did we go all the way to Columbus for this seminar? Because I knew I would not see everything I wanted to see and learn, and I am signed up for the Cincinnati Launch event next week. That way, I can go through two tracks of information and learn twice as much. I think it is a good idea.

Yes, Pam took notes through the whole nine hours. I am glad she had her portable desk drawer with her. That way she had all the writing and note taking utensils with her.

Casio WQV-1 Watch CameraNOTE: The pictures contained inside this specific blog entry were taken with my Casio WQV-1 Watch Camera. Clarity is not the objective of this camera, it is just to take pictures.

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