Saturday, October 04, 2003

Cuggles = Non-computer folk

If Harry Potter fans can go around using the term "Muggles" for Non-magic folk, I can coin the term "Cuggles" to indicate non-computer folk. I think that is fair in todays computerized society.

So, from now on, remember these signs:

  • When you see someone who is incapable of using the ATM machine because they can't understand that they need to put in a PIN number, they're a cuggle.
  • When your associates can't figure out why they keep getting a computer virus from that e-mail they received on AOL "from someone they don't know" and opened the attachment(s), they're a cuggle.
  • When your friend can't figure out that the reason your trying to get them to read their e-mail, because you sent the information they requested (and you immediatly sent back) from three months ago and is still sitting in their mailbox, they're a cuggle.
  • When you call the cable company and try and tell the person that the cable TV reception is fine and all your trying to do is get an IP address, they're a cuggle.
  • When you go to Wal-mart and the woman behind the counter in electronics tells you the cords for flags are over in housewares after you ask her "where are the USB cables?", they're a cuggle.
  • When you realize your relatives can't do anymore on their computer more than play NASCAR games or find anything outside the gossip on AOL's version of People Magazine because they can't find anything without a "keyword", they're a cuggle.
  • (Thank you Jeff Foxworthy)

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