Monday, January 26, 2004

What is safe?

With all the current exodus of technical mainstream white collor private sector jobs, it is becomming apparent that only a few jobs are safe.... Government Jobs.

Once again, the American economy is going to have a critical need for oversight of government jobs. Why? Because these are one of the few jobs that are never ending. Buracracy and red tape is an american staple. The oversight will have to be done to assure that only qualified people actually are placed into these positions. The trend will be for rampant nepotism and attemps to get in peoples "friends", even when they are not qualified. This will also move all the way up into management. Managers will also have to be scrutinized for favortiism and the like.

I think I will end this thought and make up some more later on in a better thought out post.

Labelled with ICRA

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