Saturday, January 24, 2004

Waiting for the landing

Right now, I am waiting for the next Mars Lander to,.... well,.... land.

I am watching the live feed from NASA TV through the link at the top of the left frame.
While I am typing this, the "Super Geeks" at NASA are trying to describe (for the hundredth time) what is going to happen to the reporters (who appear to be glazed over like "deer in the headlights"). They are once again going over where the Lander will impact. I am about ready to throw up from their regurgitation of the same data over and over again. There is only so many ways to say, "we will know it gets there when we get a signal back." But there is some unforeseen force that makes reporters have to ask the same question over and over again.

The Lander is not scheduled for touchdown till midnight EST, so I am going to head for bed. I will be on the news in the morning. That and all the needless bloodshed from the middle east. They kinda go together. Mans inhumanity for man" and "Man's quest for knowledge and its own humanity." Go figure

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