Friday, August 29, 2003

So, now there is a catastrophe in Iraq...

Remember the response from the Arab world during the September 11th terrorist attack against New York, where people were jumping up and down with glee at our strife (remember that on TV)? Should non-Arabs be jumping up and down at the strife in Iraq? (BTW, there was a bombing in Iraq where dozens of people were killed as well as a well known Cleric) My response is no, but apparently I am one of those "right wing majority" who wants peace in the Middle east. I actually heard that on cable TV today. It was really childish as several people expounded their glee an another's demise. I had to turn off the TV so I would not see how heinous and infantile some of us have become. The only distinction is that they were from the deep south and complete red-necks. So I don't even consider them "Americans" in the sense they probably don't have an IQ above 50. The problem was they were able to get onto National (which is now worldwide) television and profess their hatred of anyone not American (and pretty much anyone who is a "non-white"). Why is it, that most of these racist assholes are always white and waving an American flag? That crap effects me since I am Caucasian and just wanting to live my life the way I want. I am only talking about the ones on TV lately. I am not talking about J.Jackson and his harem. That is for another bloc and for another time. Go figure.

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