Monday, August 25, 2003

A reply to the Rebuttal

Well, I think you misread me. You said pretty much what I was thinking. I worked with some really great people in and from Bangalore for 3 years. They were doing everything they could to get here permenently because they could see the unrest starting. The persecution of one of the great guys I worked with was due to him being Muslum in a generally non-Muslum geographic area. My P.O.V., I see that the US has just reciently fallen over the edge and lost it's ability to lead the world. Not the people in the Military to this exact moment (after today, I can not honestly answer this one). I am a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer and saw the downfall of the US "moral system" when Clinton was elected President. The programs that were initiated to strip the people in uniform of any humility and self respect (and nominal pay) were so extreme that people left the military in enormous numbers. Or in other words, why risk your life (and many are risking their lives on a daily basis) for a government who "was" doing everything in their power to prosecute and dishonorably discharge you? It was history repeating itself for many. You could see the dishonest attempting to disenfranchise the honorable for nothing more than spite and power. Once President Bush was elected, I could see that the turmoil in the military had subsided. Trust in the top-most leadership had stopped declining and even though it didn't return (you can't expect people to recover overnight from 8 years of disparagement, repudiation, and "abandon of command leadership"), trust is returning. My fear, honestly, is that inside of about 5 years, we (The United States) will be in social chaos and unable to do anything we must to correct the situation. It will probably inescapeable because of legal maneuvering by blind liberals and a large socialist adjenda that is growing in strength in the fringes of America (Southern California & New York to name just two areas). With most of our middle economic infrastructure in India or moving there, we will not be able to recover from either a terroristic or malicious attack to our information. I know for a fact (do a google search) that several credit card companies have transferred all their credit information to India where there are not safeguards in place to protect our accounts from malicious tampering. All there has to be is either a civil war or economic upheaval there (which, by the way is happening right now) to allow our infrastructure to crash. There are no economic safeguards to fall back on. Rolling all our (United States) economic foundation can not be returned and reinstitued in any nominal amount of time. That would be the equilivent of trying to stop and turn around an Aircraft Carrier. It just can't be done quickly. Personal experience and knowledge from past positions of Information Technology management has given me a special outlook. I know we are poised for a fall. Whether we fall over the edge or continue down the road, is something only time will tell. Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate the insight and Point of view (and a special thanks for reading my blog). Todd

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