Monday, November 17, 2003

Blood, Milk, and Squirrel Bones

Now that is a combination you don't see every day. Let me explain this one a little more. I let in my outside cat (whose name is actually Dawg) to finish off the milk the kids had left over from breakfast. Well, he polished that of in no time and walked back to the basement. I was doing the dishes and I didn't see him for a few minutes. Then he appeared again and laid down on the floormat in the back (and continued his practice of "I'm ignoring the world routine").

I had gone back into the basement to get some cleanser (to clean the countertops) and WOW, he had puked up a whole big gray squirrel. Of course, it was inside out and all chewed up, but there was the whole thing, fur, paws, tail and all.


I think it was the milk that made me want to puke. That and the little eyes looking up at me. Oh well, at least it was one big pile to clean up. And it is not that I don't feed him. He actually eats a can of dog food every day.(he likes it better than cat food). And it is normally mixed with some cheap dry cat food. Besides, the price of one of those big cans of dog food is about 30% of the price of one of those little tiny cans of cat food. Go figure. It must take a lot of energy to catch squirrels, chipmunks, snakes, crawdads, bluejays, mice, and some pretty big rabbits, which he brings up to the doorstep for me. At least we don't have a problem with mice anymore.

No!, I will not post any pictures of it. Too many silly people out there.

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