Saturday, September 06, 2003

And tell me again why are gas prices going up still?

Well, to screw the normal population, compete with the cost of the war, to bring freedom to people who would rather shoot, bomb, and kill each other, as well as our citizens. Excuse me, but for all of you who forget that US troops are US citizens. Just because their votes don't count in elections does not mean they are not citizens. Well, that was rather plain and to the point for all the people out there who don't know this little fact. And why isn't the general population screaming now that Saudi Arabia has cut oil production? Is it really going to come down to who drives this thing saying, "we will not tolerate this crap anymore"? I am sorry, I have just reached the breaking point with everything. No, now that I think of it, screw it! Pull every single one of our troops back home, have them patrol "our" borders, and stop all the ridiculous funding of every damn third world country on the planet. BTW, ridiculous is the closest word I could come up without cussing. IMHO, This country will fall inside 10 years at the current rate of decay. Unless the brainless "Freelove" droolers are overthrown by the people who have served their country, we are dead. I can't even imagine the ignorance of the people who push the wet-noodle policies we are spewing out on a daily basis. The "Liberal Democrats" are going to kill us all. To start, this will begin with either the judges who won't punish killers in our midst or with legislation and backstabbing that takes the actual working men and women and grinds them into the dirt. Take that you piece of crap taxpayer! And you too Armed Forces Veterans. Who do you think you are? The perpetual welfare recipients of the country will persevere! It's not the meek that will inherit the earth. It's the strong and the outspoken. And BTW, that does not mean the moral people of the world. Just the ones who can band together and shout at the top of their lungs "Were right, your wrong". Which at this time are the immoral minority. Do I really need to say the name "Clinton" in the same context as immorality, or did you already think that when you read the preceeding sentence? I have come to the point where I am constantly wondering where I can go with my family, where it will be safe in the upcoming upheaval. I envision the event will eventually be called a civil war. Where the Right and Left finally come to blows. More descriptive will be the Conservative Moralists, against the Liberal iniquitous authoritarian who have no idea what is right from wrong. Sri Lanka is sounding more and more possible or even probable. The problem is the infrastructure is very close to the Indian population. Much too close for comfort to an insurmountable invading force. The only thing I can compare that to is holding the Alamo (Sri Lanka) against the Mexican forces (several million Indian troops) if you get my meaning. That does not even cover the Pakistani / India nuclear threat that appears to rise and fall with the seasons.

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