Friday, February 20, 2004

Bird Flu Found in Cats in Asia; Canada on Alert? REV2

As Bridget (and most of the people at the CDC) had predicted, the latest big bird-flu virus has jumped species. I would like to know why there is not an Alert in the US? We eat enough fowl here to feed most of the rest of the world.

REV 1 - 19:32 AM 2/21/2004 - The scary part is that I saw an article which indicated it was in Texas. It was removed after about 2 hours. I imagine they don't want the public to panic about the report so I bet the 800 pound gorilla had them pull it.

REV2 - 12:32 PM 2/21/2004 - I didn't know that U.S. chicken production in 2002 was 2.88 billion pounds (1.3 billion kg). That is a lot of chicken.

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