Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Once again, Rioting expected in Cincinnati.

Public Viewing Version

If you have not heard the news, a man was killed while in police custody. He was black, the police officers were white.

The part you don't see on the news is that the black man was about 400 pounds, apparently on PCP and/or cocaine (as per the news reports) and was beating the crap out of the officers. What ever you do, you should not judge the situation by what is on the internet news. Most are only showing a few seconds of the police car video, and 3 minutes of the blind minions of the "coalition for a just Cincinnati" spouting racial bullcrap.

If your going to try and make sense of this, find the 5 minute (or what ever the time of the tape) and watch the whole thing. The man who was being arrested was shouting racial slurs, trying to intimidate the cops to whatever end his drugged mind was proposing. The police officers were up against a superior foe and did what they could with what they had.

The only good thing about it happening now (not that there is anything good in this situation) is that there is fairly cold weather and it is supposed to get colder and snow. IMHO, this is the only thing that will keep this powerkeg in check (for the time being)

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