Tuesday, December 16, 2003

A dedicated recruiter? Hummmmm,

It is too bad this area does not have a LDS job recruiter. There are many things that they could do to support the membership. Several ideas:

  • That way they could track a thousand people (job seakers) in real time,
  • They could provide motivation and support for people on what ever basis is needed,
  • They could also be responsible for updating the Presidency and Bishopric of the various Stakes/Wards.
  • But those are only the major tasks that could be performed. Besides, no one listens to me. I make sense.

    I know that most of the people I speak with (as well as myself) are very hesitant to talk to either the ward employment specialist because they do not know them, or really don't like to talk to the Bishop for fear of having their recommend stripped. I didn't say that it was an intelligent thing, more of a fear factor of what might happen thing.

    A person like a full time recruiter would be a great help to many who are past the "I can get another job" state, and are now into the "deep depression" and "I am not worth anything" state. I have seen this so many times. More with people retiring from the military. They work hard for 20 years or so. They literally have dedicated their life to a cause and all of a sudden, nothing. All that work ended up counting for nothing.

    Personally, I think that you should be able to spend 30 years in the service. Sure, there are people who should get out, but it is not like academic tenure, where shitheads can continue to fill top spots like you hear about in the news everyday. The military (or at least the Navy) made sure that will never happened. If you were not a top performer, you were out of that position very quickly.

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