Saturday, December 20, 2003

Trying to hand out money does not work,

We tried to get the roof repaired or at least started before leaving for Florida. The estimates didn't get in before we are leaving so I guess it will have to wait. The interesting part, is that only one of the contractors understands the problem and were really willing to listen. The others instantly took the problem of the outside as the problem.

Why is it, that people don't listen anymore? I try and listen to people when they tell me things. Is it the cutthroat nature of the business with all the mini companies vieing for a piece of the business?

The bad part, is that it is very hard to find a company. One that is really worth the time to use for getting the work done. Every day or so, you see a local news expose on this contractor defrauded this person, or this company stole from that insurance company. Even the local builders in Cincinnati are plagued with bad reputations because one builder decided to not pay the money it received for homes built, and skipped to Florida with tens of millions. So even the business here is looked upon as underhanded. Even if the contractor did nothing wrong, they are automatically considered guilty of wrong-doing. I even tried to go to the BBB here, but the time to look up names is extrodinary and the person who answered the phone, could not answer any questions. So after several hours of searching online and calling the companies I found, I was only able to come up with 4 who would come out.

I guess the money is not worth the effort anymore. I estimate that the work will cost about 6 to 10 thousand dollars to repair. But no one needs money anymore, I guess I will have to see what happens.

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