Monday, December 15, 2003

Another wonderful trip to the grocery

Why is it that the people who park in the handicapped spaces (who are not handicapped) are always arrogant yuppie larva, who have to supplement their being with a seventy thousand dollar vehicle. About 10 percent of the time I go to Kroger for something, I see one of these "holier-than-thou" jerks appear.

Tonights waste of human flesh was a woman, about 26. She had on a bright suede leather suit with a short skirt. I think it was the 5 inch stiletto pumps that made it obvious she was a piece of crap in a handicapped spot. The body showed her athletic prowess and muscular calves were better than most you see on Fitness Magazine. Even though she had the body, the beauty was not there. It was more anger and spite for the people around here. Even the most beautiful woman in the world is not capable of beauty with wicked thoughts on her mind.

Anyway, I noticed her as she was running out of the store. The clothing was so bright and tight fitting, you could not ignore her. She had a little bag of what ever the hell it was she bought at the store and her cell phone glued to her head. Both were bouncing around as she bounded across the parking lot. The tight fitting black leather gloves holding up the cell, accentuated her long dark hair to the point where you could not tell where her ebony hair stopped, and the glove started. She truly was dressed like a woman in a Cosmopolitan article for "How to dress for the executive office party and get your boss into bed with you." Sorta like a "Jenna Jameson meets Martha Stewart" thing.

How do I know that she was not handicapped? She ran out to her vehicle in the 5 inch stiletto pumps I just described to you. It was also noticeable that with her bag, cell conversation, and ingeniously contrived attitude, she was not just arrogant, but was a good thing that she appeared that she wasn't a breeder. What makes me say that? True family people don't drive expensive 2 seaters as their main mode of transportation. That is, they don't drive one without either a Freudian complex or they have something they are trying to prove. (maybe to themselves).

I really hope Saint Peter (or just place whom ever you believe has this job) says, "Sorry, I would have let you in, but didn't listen to that still small voice telling you that you parked in the handicapped spaces one to many times. You were just too conceited and self-absorbed then and now you have to get your just deserves. Remember hearing all those people asking that you get what you deserved? Like in the old saying "what comes around, goes around"? Well, they have their wish. You need follow the red line to the down elevator over there. I hear purgatory is nice this time of the millennium. Move along now. Next please!"

This is just my opinion, I could be wrong.

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