Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas day!


Christmas morning was still nice. We didn't have lots of money this time due to the accident at work. But in spite of:

  • The industrial accident (Hydrochloric acid) injuries,
  • the Railroad Retirement Board dropping the ball in getting me what is owed me for sick benefits,
  • No unemployment,
  • CSX telling the health insurance people I was back to work after 4 days.
    • (That was underhanded if you ask me)
  • The lawyers telling me nothing about what is going on.
  • and dealing with all the pain of breathing and blurred vision after the acid exposure.
I think everything went very well.

We had bought most of the stuff for the kids early in the year and and had it ready long ago. That really helped out.

With gas prices so damn high, no one is able to get the things they really wanted. Filling up the van is $60+ and the pickup is $77.50 and rising. Don't see how our neighbors are even able to get to work with gas prices this high.

We will overcome this problem. I can always get back to work after I heal a little more. (I hope)

This page is labeled with ICRA

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