Friday, January 28, 2005

Dish network and taking it in the shorts

Check this one out. When we sold our house, the buyers wanted the satellite dishes and receivers. No problem is what I am thinking. They wanted it and we can easily do without friggin' satellite TV (for the rest of our lives).

Now for the interesting part. I called Dish Network to terminate my service. Not a problem. We were even going to have a zero balance as of the end of the day tomorrow.

A mental flag shot up at this point. This is way to convenient to have a zero balance when I am canceling my service.
I asked her a question that brought up keeping the dish on for a day. She said that was not a problem. We could keep it on for another two days without paying anything.
There is something fishy going on here. No business like this will give you something for nothing.
"Well, how long can I keep the dish on without paying any additional payments?" She responded, "You can keep your service active until about the 20th of February."
Now I am in total disbelief that this company would automatically screw me over.
"So", (me again) you were not going to automatically refund what I over paid?" She carefully responded, "I can refund your account and that check will be to you in 7 to 10 business days." No, she wouldn't tell me about a refund of overpayment. I know that once this happened (automatically refunding my account when I closed it out) that they have forever lost a customer. I can't believe that this company would stoop so low as to keep my overpayment.

I guess it goes to show that you always have to watch your back, because you can never assume that a business in the US will do the right thing.

Beware consumers! Let the screwing from corporate America (especially Dish Network) begin!!!

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