Sunday, June 13, 2004

Washing her hair

There is nothing more relaxing to me than washing my daughters hair. One, because she has that very fine blonde hair that makes you take your time. Since she is my daughter, this really makes me feel like I am a real father. The thought that she will eventually grow up and move out, and all those parent things is always in my mind. The idea that this will never happen again makes every time I wash her hair even more special.

Ok, the fact that I don't have a hair on my head does not really come into it. But it is something I used to enjoy. In High school, I had a girlfriend who had beautiful, silky hair and really took care of it to the nth degree.

For some reason (which I still can't figure out), she loved to have me sit down by the stationary tubs in her basement and she would wash my hair over and over. I had shoulder length hair then, so it was really a two hour (+) ordeal every time. I remember it so vividly. She would always talk to me about what was going on in her life like I didn't know her (like someone who does your hair in a salon). I never said anything, I just listened all the while she gently performed her task of "Lather, Rinse, Repeat".

That is something I truly miss. Not because she is no longer in my life, but that my hair is no longer worth the effort of more than three minutes and a towel dry. Shoot, most of the time I just shave my head now so shampoo is rarely needed. Now its "Shave, Towel dry, moisturizer" and what is the fun in that?