Thursday, February 28, 2008

Parking Wars

     The parking around the Bethesda Oak building is terrible and since I can't see paying $5.00 for a one hour stay, we found a space on the street down from the Doctor's Office. The morons that actually live around that area are rather (let me say it nicely) ineffective in the way they park their cars on the street and in the driveways. I should have snapped a photo or two to show you how bad they are, but I didn't take any (for some strange reason) at that time. If I can describe it in quick terms, they covered every part of the sidewalk with either their cars, trucks, or garbage cans.

     You know, if there had been a person in a wheelchair or on crutches, they would never have made it to the medical center. The local "You gotta protect the '__________' [fill in the blank with what ever downtown minority group you wish] radicals", would have been all over this.

(I personally would have to say the group in this case would be considered the 'transportationally challenged' or 'people without a vehicle', but that is just me.)

Calling the police, a press conference, and informing everyone that someone was ".... repressing them for not allowing them to have access to the city sidewalk with their 'Tyrannical parking and blocking actions!"

     I can see how the press conference would be televised on the 10 o'clock news where the City of Cincinnati would kowtow to the oppressed sidewalk consortium and start a new police patrol whereby a set number of the cities finest would be strategically positions to make twice daily patrols of the cities sidewalks to combat the degenerate miscreant horde, that has blocked our access to the sidewalks created for the citizens and especially the oppressed and perambulationly challenged among the downtown area residents. This is one time I really would have enjoyed calling the police to have them come over and write a ticket for this.

     Yeah, I am being a jerk on this one. On the other hand, these residents should be able to follow the law just like everyone else. I just hate going downtown anymore. Everyone feels they are 'entitled' to do whatever they feel is easier for them. No pride in anything. Just make everything look like a big pile of crap and an annoyance for everyone that passes by. Stuff them and their pissy way of doing things. I can't stand the downtowners any more and I doubt anyone could blame me.

Now to the point of this thread! The Television Show on A&E.

     I don't know if you have seen the television show 'Parking Wars', you will understand that I would love if Cincinnati (or even New Richmond) would adopt the strict parking enforcement that they use (on the television show) shot in Philly. They do not take any grief from the people who are incapable of abiding by the law. Your in a restricted parking space that prohibits parking at 1600 and your there at 1601, you get a ticket. If you haven't paid your tickets previously written, they boot your car or even tow it away and impound it. I could do that in any of these little towns or even Cincinnati and it would generate tons of money and keep the streets safer for everyone.

That is not a bad idea. I think I will bring the idea up at the next village council meeting!

     If you go to the A&E television web site(s) for "Parking Wars", you might not be able to get there if your antivirus blocks phishing websites. Apparently, the website owners (or the webmasters) are attempting to draw down information from your browser (which is know as phishing). I know that Trend Micro blocks it as a malicious website for phishing. That is all I need to know to stay away. Hopefully it is just a misunderstanding by the software, but I don't mess with sites my antivirus blocks. It is not a site I would have just popped over to for kicks (without needing information). It is just not a smart thing to do.

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