Thursday, February 07, 2008

How to Instantly Get a Human When Calling Big Companies

A weekly occurrence for many of us is that frustrating, "Wanna' throw the phone out the window" feeling when you call a company and have to speak to a damn computer for 5 minutes 'before' you get to speak to a real person (if the system doesn't hang up on you first).

The other, just as frustrating alternative is when you have to press a sequence of buttons when prompted: 'press 3 for X, 4 for Y, 5 for Z', etc. Someone has taken the initiative to create a website called '' where you can find the 'secret' codes to be put through to a real human in the shortest time possible, sometimes instantly.

Many companies have this provision so that employees or field workers can get through to the front of the line. All the big companies are listed, from AAA to XM Radio, from to Walt Disney World. In some cases a direct line is provided that gets you right to a human, instantly!

You might want to print out the list, or at least keep it bookmarked on your computer on in your 'Yahoo!' or 'Google' toolbars like I have done. I plan on making this a permenent link on this blog.

You'll save your time and your sanity!

This page is labeled with ICRA

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