Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The first "Parcel Post Baby"

A newspaper scan of my Great Uncle.I have a newspaper article showing my Great Uncle who was listed as; "Here Is The first 'Parcel Post' Baby" who was sent through the mail. This is a very good scan of the article. You can make a guess at the date, but since the article is not dated and all my relatives have no information to follow up on this. I had to look back at the history of the postal service.

The article lists both the name of the baby and the 'Rural Mail Carrier and Rig' "who delivered him from his parents to his Grandmother about a mile away." (insured for $50)

The best guess I can do is either 1913 or 1914 due to parcel post service starting in 1913.

I don't know to laugh or smirk. It sounds like a stunt to see if they could get away with it. Knowing my family, that was just the case. No one I asked even knew it happened. Even my parents didn't remember even seeing the newspaper article they gave me in a stack of papers they had saved.

I sent off an email to the Postal Service historical society and am waiting on a response from them and if they knew of this happening. I hope to get a response sometime soon.

This page is labeled with ICRA

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