Monday, October 10, 2005

One very upset dog

For the sake of sanity, I wanted to tell you the names of the animals who shared our home first. The names are simple and rather odd, but from now on, I will call them by name.

Cat: Named "Dawg" - Dog: Named "Jack"

When the cat (Dawg) died Friday, we were not sure how the kids would take it. They did really well at knowing what the situation was and that he was in a lot of pain.

What we didn't expect was that the dog (Jack) would be so depressed, upset, dismayed, or whatever you want to call it. We always expected the problem would be there, but we never expected it to be so bad. He really has been searching for 'Dawg'. One things we noticed right awas was that he was sitting on the couch and not moving but looking around like he was going to show up in the normal cat way. In other words, Dawg would jump up on on the couch, look at the dog, jump up, walk around Jack a bit, sit down and wait to be pummeled.

One thing I forgot to mention is that the cat would sleep in the dogbox with jack. When the cat knew the dog was felling bad, the cat seemed to know this and would stay in there with him and comfort him. It was rather strange but it was good to see.

Now that Jack has no one, he has resorted to playing with a stuffed animal Maryann gave him. At the moment, he is doing OK but you can tell that this will get worse for the foreseeable future. I hope that with some added attention, Jack will be OK. I guess it will have to be since we are not getting another cat for him.

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