Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Going fishing in Florida

I was at my Grandparents house and were getting ready to go fishing. It took us about half an hour to get ready. When we were ready to go, I got in the front of the golf cart, my brother got in the back, and Grandpa drove. We went to a really big lake off the golf course and we all caught a few bass there.

We used fake worms that were black. When I caught my fish, it was the hardest fish to pull in because it was swimming backwards! When I finally pulled it out of the water it was all bloody on the side. The blood was coming from the gills. I thought it was gross! After we got a few pictures, we set it free in the lake.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Flying to Florida

This entry is currently being revised. Please check back in a little while. This thought is not yet complete!

Today was a good day. I flew down to Florida to see my parents and meet Bridget and the kids.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Cincinnati Marshals Win!!!

Cincinnati MarshalsWe went to see the Cincinnati Marshals play football tonight at U.S.Bank Arena and they WON!!! The Marshals played the Tri-Cities "Fever" team from Washington state. The Marshals now go the playoffs and if tonight's performance is any indicator, they are going all the way to the top!

The score was always in the Marshals favor from the beginning. The Marshals picked up a touchdown early in the first quarter and never gave up their lead. This team proved tonight that they can perform very well together as a single, well organized unit.

I am very impressed with this team. I have never witnessed a game in the NIFL or National Indoor Football League. I have to say, after only one game, I am hooked. This was the best team of professionals I have ever seen. They worked so well together & I can not explain it.

I spoke to some of the family of the players while waiting for the players to return to the field after their win. Apparently the previous management did nothing to forward the team. This was unfortunate. But tonight things have changed. The new head coach is Tony Wells and he really was out there with and for the team. From what I gathered from the team families, Mr. Wells has really turned the team around in a very short period of time.

One other thing. If you have not heard of the Marshals, I understand. I was only introduced to the team two weeks ago. My family had gone and seen a game while I was working. They purchased tickets and we went today. This is the first time I can think of when I truly enjoyed attending a football game. The players were friendly to the fans and were trying very hard to be inspirational to everyone. This was a absolutely a great time.

I am going to write a letter to the Marshals tomorrow to tell them how much I enjoyed the game. I will try and post it after I get it sent out.

Dog at the vet for the duration

Bridget dropped off Jack (the dog) at the kennel for the duration of her visit to Florida. I will be picking him back up once I get back on the 30th of June.

Hopefully, he does not bite anyone. The new people there are afraid of him and he has to show complete dominance over everyone he meets.

This ought to be interesting to hear about once I go to pick him back up.

But I don't play bridge!?!

"Sex is like a bridge game; if you dont have a good partner, you better have a good hand."

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Bitten, but not eaten

It looks like the cat was bitten by something bigger than him.

So far, the prognosis is that "he should live" but that is not guaranteed. The doctor apparently fixed whatever was wrong with surgery, including removing a large amount of pus from his abdomen. From what I have learned, he basically opened him up, rinsed out his abdomen (stomach cavity) and fixed all the tears and holes in his flesh.

To be honest, I never knew he was feeling bad. He was outside as usual, and came home the next day. I thought that is what cats do. Anyway, I guess either Bridget or Maryann were messing with him and noticed something amiss. Next thing I know, I am getting text'd at work saying they were immediately taking him to the vet.

Now, we currently have a cat. He is fine, rather punctured and shaved, but he is alive. As a general rule, I rather dislike cats as a whole. This one is different. He is more like a thing, than a cat. While at our last house, he caught and disposed of all the mice in the area. This included all intruding mice into the basement. So, I really do think that he 'earned' his keep then. There was no reason to not bring him along. He earned it there and he can do whatever he wants until we need him again.

I do think that him being a cat, he probably would have been good for the new owners too. But I like him and he has some strange attachment to me. I just hope he survives this problem. Like I said, the prognosis is good.