Friday, March 26, 2004

Another day at the mercy of the "Cell Phone Drivers",

Today's count for the number of drivers who were driving like crap because they were yakking on their cell phone:


Number of those drivers who erratically changed lanes (in front of me) without signaling a lane change because they were holding and yakking on their cell phone (while on the highway above 55MPH):


One person even was so involved in their conversation that they nearly ran me over in the Grocery store parking lot. Some enormous woman who could barely get between the seat and the steering wheel. She had one gyrating gelatinous arm frantically turning the steering wheel against what must have been a tremendious amount of friction from the wheel and her abdomen. All while the other fleshy hand was holding a cell phone to her head. I have to say, the French fry dangling out of her mouth might have shown another possible reason why she was oblivious to three people walking out of the store.

(Are you getting the idea of the size of this woman yet or do I need to continue?)
Or it could have been the fact that she didn't even slow down at a stop sign that first indicated there was another dufus at the wheel.

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