Boot camp graduation.
The Trip:
- First, I spent approximately 2 hours on the phone to cover all information on, if we could attend without an invitation, when you were graduating, the date you were done and all the arrangements for the trip.
- I used five days of vacation, out of the fourteen vacation days I had built up over the last two years. This was to assure we could all be there for the graduation and the rest of the entire day to see you even if it was for just a little while,
- We drove 750 miles round trip spending 12+ hours each way,
- Used $150+ in gasoline for the trip,
- Paid $140+ in hotels,
- Spent $220+ in meals,
- And finally we canceled one family vacation we had planned from the beginning of the year,
OK, that is now what I wanted to say but I am trying to be better than others around me (or who were around me). It is hard to be humble when you have to deal with people as such.